PROTERM is a polymer hybrid material for quick and efficient solving heat-insulation and
energy-saving problems of civil and industrial construction objects.
Low labor
Reduce heat loss
Thin coating- high efficiency
Environmentally friendly
Quick and easy application
The manufacturing company "OMEGA" (Belgorod, Russian Federation) is engaged in the production and implementation of high efficient heat-insulation PROTERM®. Our company has been dealing in this sphere since 2012; we use up-to-date materials and equipment of Russian and foreign manufacturers and implement unconventional solutions alone with import-substitution policy. The high scientific potential and usage of innovative approaches allow the company producing heat-insulating materials with unique properties upon customers' requests for application in the construction and engineering sector.

Liquid thermal insulation PROTERM® is designed for thermal insulation of building external walls (including preserving the historical appearance of buildings), interior walls, jambs, roofs, mains, ventilation and air conditioning systems etc. PROTERM® can be applied on any surface of any configuration. The application does not require the expensive equipment and can be performed with simple painter's tools or with airless sprayers. PROTERM® protects the surface excluding contact of the surface with the environment by filling all pores of the surface with the material. After drying it forms an elastic polymer coating which possesses heat-insulating and energy-saving properties, provides anti-corrosion protection and prevents the formation of condensate, mold and fungi.

We guarantee high quality of the finished product due to multilevel quality control system at all stages of the manufacturing process. Our products have passed tests and have got certificates of the accredited independent laboratories at BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov and "Intellect-Service-ZHBK-1" Ltd., proving the efficiency of the product. The durability of energy-saving coatings PROTERM® is at least 25 years. Our coating has proved its efficiency in housing and utility sector, heating substations and gas-distributing stations in Russia.

PROTERM® insulation was the first product among domestically produced equivalents exported to the Asian region since 2012, where they have been using it at oil platforms and oil refinery plants as well as at the cement plant, paper factory and others. 
The high thermal-physical performance properties of the PROTERM materials are achieved by using high-grade raw stock from leading global producers.
The interaction of unique components in a multicomponent polymer base allows you to make a coating one of the best heat insulators to date.
High-quality values of thermal performance of the PROTERM materials are confirmed by specialists from LLC "Intellect-Service-ZHBK-1" and BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.

According to building materials’ heat conductivity analysis, performed by the laboratory of Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G.Shukhov, a certificate was granted that:

1 mm of heat-insulating material PROTERM® can substitute traditional thermal insulation materials.
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  • Can be applied with painter's tools or airless spraying devices;
  • Can be applied to any clean and undamaged surfaces;
  • Produces no rubbish or waste;
  • Chemical resistance and UV resistance;
  • Shortest time of paint works;
  • Prevents mold growth;
  • High penertration degree;
  • Reduces heat losses up to 30%;
  • No «cold bridges»;
  • Quick and easy application;
  • Fire-resistance.
  • Due to small layer thickness (from 1 to 5 mm), PROTERM® material is efficiently used in hard-to-reach places, where the application of conventional heat-insulation materials is difficult.
  • Heat insulation of residential buildings and constructions, including the usage of material to preserve the historical appearance of buildings, due to the thinness of coating (facades, interior walls, interpanel joints, balconies, enclosed balconies, roofs, splays).
  • Heat insulation of reservoirs, tanks and other vessels.
  • Housing and utilities infrastructure, capital repairs of housing stock, heat insulation of water pipelines, heating mains and steam  pipelines.
  • Heat insulation of industrial equipment, such as steam boilers, gas turbines, smoke shafts, heat exchangers and pumps.
  • The dry polymerized PROTERM® coating is a "prompt signaling indicator" of the appearance of cracks, holes or breaks in pipelines, which is not allowed by conventional heat-insulating materials.
  • Small layer thickness doesn't reduce the room space;
  • Maximum service life under outside conditions;
  • High vapor permeability of specific modifications;
  • Heat insulation of hard-to-reach places;
  • Easy to use at repairs and reconstructions;
  • No additional load on the structure;
  • Increases service life of the structure;
  • 100% environmentally-friendly material;
  • Can be dyed any color;
  • Noise insulation of premises;
  • Aesthetic appearance.